Exhibition flyer. Designed by Roberto L. Pignataro for his 1977 exhibition at Galería Lirolay, Paraguay 794, Buenos Aires, AR. © All rights reserved.
 Galería Lirolay's promotional brochure (unfolded). Featured artists: Etel Wainer (cerámicas) y Jorge Macario (metal), Anahí Cáceres (pinturas y dibujos), Nestor Pablo Lallana (dibujos), Roberto Schopflocher (pinturas y grabados), Alicia Hernandez (p
 Visitor log (№1): Art & media critic Manuel Rey Millares attended Pignataro’s art exhibit on Jun 13, 1977.
 Visitor log (№2): Author and art critic Bernardo Graiver and artist and art critic Federico Martino attended  Pignataro’s art exhibit on Jun 16, 1977 amongst others.
 Master artwork for exhibition flyer. Designed by Roberto L. Pignataro for his 1977 Exhibition at Galería Lirolay in Buenos Aires, AR. © All rights reserved.
 Alternative artwork (not used) for exhibition flyer. Designed by Roberto L. Pignataro for his 1977 Exhibition at Galería Lirolay in Buenos Aires, AR. © All rights reserved.
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