Exhibition flyer. Designed by Roberto L. Pignataro for his 1972 Exhibition at Galería Lirolay in Buenos Aires, AR. © All rights reserved.
 Original artwork for exhibition flyer. Designed by Roberto L. Pignataro for his 1972 Exhibition at Galería Lirolay in Buenos Aires, AR. © All rights reserved.
 Media mention: César Magrini. "Estructuras" El Cronista Comercial [Buenos Aires] 11 Dec 1972, Galerías sec. Print.
 Media mention: Hernández Rosselot. "Unidad Cultural Latinoamericana y Surrealismo" La Razón [Buenos Aires] 9 Dec 1972, Notas de Arte sec. Print.
 Letter from the director of the Buenos Aires Museum of Modern Art Guillermo Whitelow informing Roberto Pignataro about the  incorporation of his 1972 slides of his exhibited artwork to the museum archives for research purposes on the topic of contem
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