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1968 - "A través de estampas" (Vol. 1)

In 1968, Roberto Pignataro published his first artistic book entitled ‘A Través de Estampas’ (Through Stamps). In this book, he introduced the concept of abstract storytelling—an intriguing artistic proposition that presented the reader with a series of abstract images (or stamps) without providing any context or supporting narratives.

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The Book


Photographic Material

All photos were taken by Roberto L. Pignataro in 1968 at various Buenos Aires bookstores in order to document the distribution of his book "A través de estampas" (Vol. 1). According to his own records, the photographed bookstores are: Librería El Ateneo, Librería Di Tella, Librería Viau, Librería Labor and Librería Galatea. © All rights reserved.