Exhibition pamphlet. Designed by Roberto L. Pignataro for his first 1963 Exhibition at Salón J. Peuser in Buenos Aires, AR. © All rights reserved.
 c. July 1963. Street advertisement in Buenos Aires. Location unknown. Photo by Roberto Pignataro. © All rights reserved.
 c. July 1963. Street advertisement in Buenos Aires. Location unknown. Photo by Roberto Pignataro. © All rights reserved.
 Exhibition pamphlet (draft). Designed by Roberto L. Pignataro for his first 1963 Exhibition at Salón J. Peuser in Buenos Aires, AR. © All rights reserved.
 Media mention (transcript): Acclaimed art critic Amadeo Dell’Aqua comments on Pignataro’s July 1963 exhibition on a radio show called “Exposiciones en Buenos Aires”. c. July 1963, LRA Radio Nacional, Buenos Aires, AR. Source: Roberto Pignataro´s per
 Media mention (transcript): Director of “Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes” Prof. Jorge Romero Brest praises Roberto Pignataro’s as a raising young artist in the context of his July 1963 exhibition. Live interview by Nicolás “Pipo” Mancera. “Sábados Ci
 “Scenes of Destruction” - Website article elaborating on the historical context of Pignataro’s 1963 exhibition at Salón J. Peuser
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